I’m back in blogging!

I used to blog a lot back in the days. First as a personal online diary and later focused purely on my lace life. I started keeping my own home page in the end 90’s, though in 2005 I found bobbin lace making and ever since that took the space in what I wrote about. Some years ago my site was hacked and I was stupid enough not to have made backups, so it all basicly went off like flushing a toilet. From that on I had just focused on posting to Instagram and Facebook.
As the massive social media companies have come up with certain problematics in how they operate I find it very much proper to start posting primarily to my own web site. Currently I don’t know should I post only here and then link to Facebook or natively post the same content to both. Either way with this site and FB, Instagram can’t be operated the same way. So I guess to IG I still need to post like before. Of course I could start to advertise this site in my stories by linking, but I’m such a lousy stories updater. I think I would need an assistant on this matter.
All in all, it feels good to be posting back to a platform where I have the grip in my own hands.
Oh, almost forgot one thing. New or old visitor of my domain, you are most warmly welcome! Please feel free to comment and ask.
Greetings from Frederick, Maryland, USA!
Your blog about the lacemaker statue caught my eye — since one of my sisters is a recreational lacemaker/tatter.
Among other tools, she uses lovely wooden bobbins I purchased for her in an antique store in Vadstena, Östergötland, Sweden, when I was cycling the area in 2014.
My sister, obviously, has more patience and better eyesight, than I!
We both are enjoying your posts tremendously.
Best to you–
Thank you Jennifer for such a nice greeting!
Vadstena is the lace center of Sweden as my hometown Rauma is the lace center of Finland. Vadstena is an astonishing town! I’ve visited it three times and long for to travel there again.
Best wishes to you and to your sister!