
Sometimes my hands’ result is the outcome of many people’s repetitive queries for something. For long I had been asked for earrings. Of course I have made some and even put one design in my book. But designing and making lace earrings is not that simple task, not at least if you want to do it well and from thread.

My answer to this was to make it from birch plywood with a laser cutter. Despite the end-technique and the material my workflow started from traditional bobbin lace. First I designed the pattern and made the sample. From that on I continued on digital world. Scanning the lace, vectorizing it and modifying it to fit laser cutting. After cutting there’s the surface finish. The almost black ones are made with graphite gray stain. I prefer stain as it leaves the wood grains visible and keeps the feel of the material. But as some people want strong colors I have to use paint as well. Satin lacquer is anyway the last layer that finishes the earring.

Laser cutted Pimppu earrings before surface finish. The material is 2 mm Finnish birch plywood.

Pimppu can be bought from the Rauma Museum Shop.
